TCHS Registration 2024-2025

July 2024

Greetings, RAMS! I hope this communication finds you rested and enjoying your summer break. My team and I are looking forward to welcoming you back for the 2024-2025 school year and want to keep you informed so that the return to school in August is smooth. We will be starting school August 14, 2024. In addition, our bell schedule has been updated to ensure that TCHS is not only providing our students with the instructional minutes required, but giving them an extra minute between passing periods to get to their classes on time. Please see the attachment for the 2024-2025 Bell Schedule.

 Please mark your personal calendars for the upcoming Registration dates (scroll down for precise times): 

Seniors - Monday, August 5th

Juniors - Tuesday, August 6th

Sophomores - Wednesday, August 7th 

Freshmen - Thursday, August 8th

New to the District Students (If you pre-registered over the summer, just come on your grade-level day) – Friday, August 9th 

Late Registration - Monday, August 12th 

*Any student unable to complete registration on these dates will register the first day of school.*

We have updated some forms which are located in Aeries to expedite the registration process. These registration materials are for your reference and will provide important information to assist your student in forging a successful path to graduation.  Please read all the documents noting which forms will not require you to print them and which will need to be printed. Attached is a list of documents that need to be printed and those that do not need to be printed.

Forms you SHOULD print and bring to registration:
  1. Registration Map Senior - Junior - Please print this document.
  2. Registration Map Freshmen - Sophomore - Please print this document.
  3. ASB Donation - If you are making a purchase (ASB Card, etc), print and bring to registration.
  4. Off Campus Permit- Junior and Seniors only - if it applies
  5. Parking Permit - If you plan to purchase and have a current driver’s license, please print - Junior and Seniors only
  6. Senior Contract - If you are a senior
  7. Transportation Contribution - If it applies for athletics and Performing Arts, please print. 
  8. Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) - If you plan to join, please print and turn in to the PTSA Table.
  9. Ramrodder Support - If you plan to join, please print and turn in to the Ramrodder Table.
Informational Documents and Forms that should be read but DO NOT need to be printed or turned in:
  1. Academic Eligibility Policy
  2. Amazon Wishlist 
  3. Bell Schedule
  4. Co-curricular Agreement
  5. Community Service
  6. Electronic Device/Cell Phone Policy
  7. Freshman PE clothes
  8. Link Crew
  9. Principal’s Letter
  10. Registration Schedule
  11. School Encyclopedia
  12. School Home Compact 
  13. Technology Acceptable Use Policy
  14. Textbook Policy
Scheduling conflicts will be handled as efficiently as possible, so please read the attached if you have questions about class scheduling.

We will continue communication with you by way of Parent Square and its link to your preferred communication settings. Please be sure that the contact information in Aeries is accurate so that you can receive timely updates and information about our school, activities, and announcements. Information can also be found on our school website (as well as our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram). We look forward to your continued support and personal involvement in the weeks and months ahead.

Elena Li, Principal  
(626) 548-5040

Monday — August 5th
7:30 a.m.    Specialty Groups*
8:30 a.m.    A - De
9:30 a.m.    Di - Hs 
10:30 a.m.    Hu - Le
11:30 a.m.    Li - Ly
12:30 p.m.    M - Re
1:30 p.m.    Ri - V 
2:30 p.m.    W - Z

Tuesday — August 6th      
7:30 a.m.    Specialty Groups*    
8:30 a.m.    A - Chi
9:30 a.m.    Cho - Go
10:30 a.m.    Gr - La
11:30 a.m.    Le - Mc
12:30 p.m.   Me - R
1:30 p.m.    S - Wa
2:30 p.m.    We - Z

Wednesday – August 7th
7:30 a.m.    Specialty Groups*    
8:30 a.m.    A - C  
9:30 a.m.    D - Hi
10:30 a.m.    Ho - Le
11:30 a.m.    Li - Me
12:30 p.m.    Mo - R
1:30 p.m.    S - Wi
2:30 p.m.    Wo - Z

Thursday – August 8th 
7:30 a.m.    Specialty Groups*
8:30 a.m.   A - Di
9:30 a.m.   Do - H 
10:30 a.m.    I - Le
11:30 a.m.    Li - Me
12:30 p.m.    Mo - R
1:30 p.m.    S - V
2:30 p.m.    W - Z

New Students (ONLY)
Friday - August 9th
12:30 p.m.  -  3:30p.m.

Late Registration
Monday – August 12th
1:00-2:00pm – Seniors & Juniors
2:00-3:00pm – Sophomores & Freshmen

#  Late registration will end at 3:00 pm

*”Specialty groups” will be notified prior to registration.