ASB Constitution
Temple City High School
Associated Student Body Constitution
The Associated Student Body of Temple City High School does hereby adopt this Constitution in order to provide guidelines and regulations for the Student Body Government to adhere to in order to serve the needs of the student body.
Date Ratified |
April 27, 2010 |
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Article 1
Section 1 The collective name of the student body shall be the Associated Student Body of Temple City High School, or hereafter known as ASB. The official school colors shall be green and gold and represented by all major organization representing TCHS. The official mascot shall be the Ram.
Article 2
Student Body Rights
Section 1 All students in grades
1.Vote in elections.
2.Hold office providing eligibility requirements are met.
3.Be admitted to and participate in all school activities, organizations, athletics, providing eligibility requirements are met.
4.Receive and be distinguished with rewards and tokens of success.
5.Initiate a resolution to the branches of the ASB Government as long as in accordance to set regulations in this constitution and Branch Bylaws.
6.Recall ASB Government motions in accordance with this Constitution and branch Bylaws.
7.View and access all public records of the ASB Government.
8.Establish their own campus organizations in accordance with the regulations of this constitution, branch bylaws, and the school administration policies.
Section 2 Members of ASB who become ASB Card Holders shall also enjoy:
1.Discount admissions to selected school activities.
2.Special participation in selected school events.
3.Discount pricing on selected merchandise such as yearbooks and student planners.
Article 3
Branches of Government
1.The governing board of ASB shall be ASB Leadership and shall receive its authority through the election of its officers by ASB. All members of ASB Leadership shall pledge to uphold the constitution and work for the betterment of all students of ASB.
2.ASB Leadership shall have the authority/responsibility to:
1.Oversee and/or organizing all school activities.
2.Oversee all organizations (clubs) under the ASB.
3.Create bylaws for its operation.
4.Be representatives of ASB to the community.
5.Provide open minutes, budgets and agendas to ASB members.
6.Vote on any initiative motion brought to ASB Leadership by an ASB member.
1.The Interclub Council, henceforth the ICC, will act as the primary representative body of ASB to report to the ASB Leadership on all issues involving clubs.
2.The ICC members will consist of one club president or designee from every club on campus. Participation in the ICC is required of a club in order to maintain an active club charter.
3.The ICC has the authority/responsibility to:
a.Initiate a motion that requires a vote by the ASB Leadership.
b.Disapprove any resolution made by ASB Leadership by a 2/3 vote of the Inter Club Council and 3/4 vote of Class Councils.
c.Create its own bylaws.
d.Provide open minutes, budgets and agendas to ASB members.
e.Form policies on issues regarding clubs as authorized by the ASB Leadership.
1.Each grade level class will be required to establish and operate a Class Council in order to be recognized as a class by the ASB.
2.Class Councils will be a body meant to act as an information intermediary between ASB and ASB Leadership in order to add to the communication process.
3.Class Councils have the authority/responsibility to:
a.Allow all students of their class to be a member of Class Council.
b.Create their own bylaws.
i.Class Council bylaws are required at the beginning of freshmen year.
ii.Class Council bylaws must outline what is required to maintain active membership in Class Council.
c.Provide open minutes, budgets and agendas to Class Council members.
d.Initiate a motion that requires a vote by the ASB Leadership.
e.Disapprove any resolution made by ASB Leadership by a 2/3 vote of the Inter Club Council and 3/4 vote of Class Councils.
f.Decision Process of Class Councils
i.Class Councils shall have a total of 4 votes, with each class having 1 vote
ii.The decision of each vote shall be determined by the majority of the members of each Class Council.
Article 4
Elected ASB Leadership Officers
Section 1 Elected Office positions shall be:
1.ASB President
3.Class President
4.Class Vice Presidents
Section 2 Duties of Officers
1.ASB President shall preside over ASB Leadership during meetings, represent ASB at community functions, appoint special committees, have voting rights in the ASB Leadership, oversee the coordination of school activities, and maintain order for all branches of the ASB Government.
Class Officers
1.Class Presidents shall preside over their respective Class Council meetings, represent their class at functions, coordinate class activities, fulfill duties as assigned by the ASB President and have voting rights in the ASB Leadership.
Student School Board Member
1.Let it be known that if Temple City Unified School District chooses to create an office of Student School Board Member then the Student Board Member, if elected by ASB, shall have a roll in the ASB Leadership Class as an elected officer and hold the same voting rights. His/ Her duties will be assigned by the ASB President.
Section 3 Terms of Office
All elected officers shall serve a term of one year unless they fail to meet eligibility requirements. The term office shall begin the day after graduation of the year in which the officers are elected and the end the day after graduation of the following year. However responsibilities for the preparation of their elected office may be required by the time they are elected and/or are appointed to the office.
Section 4 Order of Succession
1.In the case of absence/suspension of the presiding officer, the following order or succession will apply to provide a temporary chairperson for ASB Leadership:
1.ASB President
2.ASB Vice President
3.Senior President
4.Senior Vice President
5.Junior President
6.Junior Vice President
7.Sophomore President
8.Sophomore Vice President
9.Freshmen President
10.Freshmen Vice President
2.If an elected officer has more years of ASB Leadership experience than a person above them in the order of succession, then said officer will be placed higher than the lesser experienced officer in the order of succession.
3.The Student School Board Member, if holding the most years of experience, can temporarily assume the highest office if it is voted on by the majority of ASB Leadership.
4.To permanently fill a vacancy, see Article 7
Article 5
Appointed Officers
Section 1 The ASB President, Vice President and Class Advisor may jointly appoint officers to positions they deem appropriate.
Section 2 The following commissioners that must be instated each year unless by a vote of more than 2/3 of Class Councils, ICC, and ASB Leadership of the preceding year. The ASB President, ASB
1.Athletics Commissioner: Voted on by the current coaches of their perspective sports.
-The coach is allowed to delegate this responsibility to next year’s captain if the captain is selected before the time of the vote.
3.Campus Commissioner: Voted on by one representative of each club of ICC of the preceding year.
4.Performing Arts Commissioner: Voted on by the instructor from each division of the Performing Arts of the preceding year.
-The instructor is allowed to delegate this responsibility to next year’s president if the president is selected before the time of the vote.
Article 6
Section 1 The ASB President and Vice President shall be responsible for all elections held on campus. The election of Student Senators shall be overseen by the Campus Commissioner. Elections at Oak Avenue Intermediate School shall be presided over by a designee of the ASB President.
Section 2 Seniors of ASB Leadership shall run the logistics of the of the ASB Leadership elections.
Section 3 ASB Leadership, Class Councils, and ICC must approve election regulations. Any
active candidate running for office may not vote on election issues.
Requirements for elected office:
a.Students running for Class Office positions must have at least one year of participation in Class Council. Participation in Class Council will be defined by each Class.
b.ASB President and Vice President must be on the same ballot and each have one year of ASB Leadership experience. In the event that such candidates cannot be found then a wavier may be granted.
c.All students enrolled as 8th grade students at Oak Avenue Intermediate School will be eligible to run and vote for their own class officers. They must also abide by the regulations issued in the election packets.
d.Candidates shall receive at least three days of campaign time before the day of elections.
e.ASB elections must be held no sooner than the start of second semester and no later than the first of May.
Section 4 Candidates for ASB President and Vice President will be decided upon by plurality of votes granted by the voting ASB populace. Class Officers will be
Article 7
Vacancies or Suspension from Office
Section 1 To fulfill their term of office on ASB Leadership officers and commissioners will be expected to maintain a
a.During suspension the student’s duties will be delegated to other officers by the ASB President.
Section 2 The ASB may call for a recall election by issuing:
a.A petition of 3/5 of the ASB for ASB President and ASB
b.A petition of 3/5 of the appropriate Class for Class Officers. This then requires the Class Council to vote on recall. Decision to remain or recall from office will be chosen by a majority of votes cast. If removal is chosen then a general class election must be held by the start of the next semester to fill the vacancy.
Section 3 Commissioners Recall
1.Commissioners can be recalled by the following process
a.a petition of 75 signatures from the ASB, not members of ASBL, requesting the recall of the commissioner
b.the request is then delivered to the review board to verify the legitimacy of such request
-the review board will consist of the following: ASBL Adviser, ASB President, ASB Vice President, an administrator, and a representative sent by ICC
c.if request is valid, the review board will open an investigation concerning the commissioner
d.the review board will then offer a recommendation for ASBL to consider regarding the recall decision
e.the recall of the commissioner shall be decided by a 2/3 vote of ASBL
Section 4 If an office is vacated then the office may be filled as follows until the end of the semester:
1.In case of ASB President and/or ASB Vice President the orders of succession will be applied.
2.In the case of Class Presidents the Class Vice President will take the President’s
Office. In the case of Class Vice Presidents, Class Councils will vote for a new officer who is already in the ASB Leadership class. The officer will be chosen by a plurality of votes cast. If a candidate cannot be found within the ASB Leadership class then the office will remain unfilled.
Article 8
Public Records
Section 1 For the purpose of transparency this student government, the ASB Leadership Bylaws, the Class Councils Bylaws, the ICC Bylaws, and ASB government agendas, minutes, and fiscal records shall be always made obtainable by any member of the ASB within a prudent amount of time.
Article 9
ASB Leadership Advisor
Section 1 The Advisor shall be the Director of Activities or Principal’s designee. He/She will be a
Article 10
Constitutional Amendments, Suspensions, Abolishment
Section 1 This constitution shall be ratified by a vote of the majority of votes cast by the members of the ASB.
Section 2 1. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the voting members of ASB. An Amendment Election will be called when a petition of more than 1/3 of the ASB is presented to ASB Leadership.
2.This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of each branch of government.
Section 3 This constitution may be abolished by a 4/5 vote of the ASB voting members.
Article 11
ASB Budget
Section 1 ASB Leadership shall be responsible for all finances for all student activities associated with the ASB.
Section 2 ASB Leadership may delegate authority over the ASB finances to an executive committee of elected officers.
Section 3 The ASB Leadership must prepare an annual budget due within the guidelines set forth by the State of California and the Los Angeles County Office of Education.
Section 4 All campus organizations must maintain all of their finances in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the ASB Leadership Advisor. The ASB Leadership Advisor has the authority of revoke the charter of any club that fails to follow the finance guidelines.
Section 5 Class Councils and ICC may propose a budget for the ASB Leadership to vote upon.
Amendments |
Amendment 1 |
Class presidents and vice presidents must be elected on the same ballot. |
- Ratified on February 23, 2011. |